Scientific Thought II

Exam Information

Spring 2010

  • The dates of the exams are shown on the schedule of classes.
  • Each exam will consist of a selection of questions from the relevant lectures. You can get a list of all the possible questions from a link on the schedule of classes. The number of questions on an exam isn't fixed but is usually about 12. If a question has multiple parts then I may put just one part on the exam.
  • The exam will state the number of points each question is worth; this is based on my judgment of how long it takes to write a full answer to the question.
  • You should aim to write a full answer to each question but not write so much that you run out of time. Use the points a question is worth as a guide for how much time to spend. There are 100 points total and you have 50 minutes, so divide the points a question is worth by 2 and you should spend roughly that many minutes answering the question. For example, if a question is worth 10 points, you should be able to write what I consider a full answer in about 5 minutes. If you answer a 10 point question in 1 minute I will probably think your answer is insufficient.
  • Grading is fair but strict. A reasonably complete and accurate answer will get full points but I deduct points for answers that are incomplete or inaccurate. Completely wrong answers get zero points. Grades on the exams usually range all the way from A to F.
  • Advice for doing well on the exams: Come to the lectures. Review the material after each lecture and make sure you understand the material and can answer the questions. Don't try to get by without really understanding the material (it usually shows). Don't leave everything until just before the exam.